Basic Income

Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) programs offer a transformative solution to address societal challenges and promote economic stability. By providing people with a regular, unconditional income, GBI programs empower individuals to meet their basic needs in ways that they deem necessary. This approach fosters financial security, reduces poverty rates, and mitigates inequality by ensuring that everyone has access to essential resources. Importantly, GBI programs stimulate economic growth by boosting consumer spending, fostering entrepreneurship, and enabling individuals to pursue education and training opportunities without fear of financial instability. By fostering a more equitable and resilient society, GBI programs have been shown to enhance overall financial well-being, improve employment outcomes and create a more inclusive economy for all.

Guaranteed Basic Income Forum
April 10, 2024 United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Up Together hosted a forum of experts who are planning or have implemented GBI programs and can speak to the impacts of cash as a solution. Jesús Gerena from Up Together was our keynote speaker, as we talked about the barriers, successes, and new innovations happening in programs across our region.
What does success look like for the Guaranteed Basic Income Model?
Panel Participants

Doug Howgate,
Executive Director, Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation

Geeta Pradhan
President, Cambridge Community Foundation

Dr. Megan T. Sandel
M.D., Pediatrician, Boston Medical Center

Josh Waxman
Chief Operating Officer, Camp Harbor View

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